var editData = {"errorMessage":"","dataLines":"Brownfield Park- Man-made creek, Swale and Native Planting at Angela and Riverside\t41.693583\t-86.265386\tAngela Blvd and Riverside Dr South Bend, IN 46628\tThis man-made creek, swale and native planting highlights the potential of green infrastructure and solutions, featuring pedestrian and bicycle paths this area re-routes and filters storm water serving an important function while improving aesthetics.\nIUSB West Permeable Parking Lots \t41.663621\t-86.223249\t1700 W Mishawaka Ave South Bend IN 46615\tThe west parking lots of IU South Bend are constructed of permeable pavement. The parking lots also help control runoff because it is built with a swale. These parking lots feature native, low-water, & no-mow plantings.\nKennedy Primary Rain Garden\t41.6830782\t-86.2854589\t609 N Olive St. South Bend, IN 46628\tRain garden with native species to beautify the grounds, provide wildlife habitat, capture & filter storm water, utilize it as a resource and re-charge groundwater. \nNative Wildflower Garden on E. Indiana Ave and Fellows\t41.6580415\t-86.2446856\t463 E.Indiana Blvd South Bend, IN 46613\tThis formerly vacant lot was planted in native wildflowers to attract birds and butterflies, reduce staff time and fuel needed for mowing, and beautify the neighborhood.\nNative Wildflower Planting: Carlisle and Ford\t41.6684489\t-86.281058\tCarlisle St and Ford St South Bend, IN 46619\tThis formerly vacant lot was planted in native wildflowers to attract birds and butterflies, reduce staff time and fuel needed for mowing, and beautify the neighborhood.\nNative Wildflower Planting: Fellows and Bowman\t41.653509\t-86.244382\tFellows St and Bowman St South Bend, IN 46613\tThis formerly vacant lot was planted in native wildflowers to attract birds and butterflies, reduce staff time and fuel needed for mowing, and beautify the neighborhood.\nNative Wildflower Planting: Miner and Notre Dame\t41.6827017\t-86.2384667\tMiner St and Notre Dame Ave South Bend, IN 46617\tThis formerly vacant lot was planted in native wildflowers to attract birds and butterflies, reduce staff time and fuel needed for mowing, and beautify the neighborhood.\nNative Wildflower Planting: Orange and Huey St.\t41.6781059\t-86.280684\tOrange Rd and Huey St South Bend, IN 46628\tThis formerly vacant lot was planted in native wildflowers to attract birds and butterflies, reduce staff time and fuel needed for mowing, and beautify the neighborhood. In the spring, this lot features a stunning display of poppies.\nRiley High School- Native Wildflower Garden\t41.654232\t-86.244851\t1902 Fellows St. South Bend, IN 46613\tNative wildflowers attract birds and butterflies, absorb run off, reduce staff time and fuel needed for mowing, and beautify the neighborhood.\nRiverside Rain Garden\t41.702951\t-86.265606\tRiverside ave South Bend, IN 46628\tNative planting rain garden to provide wildlife habitat, capture & filter storm water, utilize it as a resource and re-charge groundwater. \nTranspo \t41.6596258\t-86.2545676\t1401 S Lafayette Blvd South Bend, IN 46613\tTranspo hq is the nation's 1st LEED platinum transit facility. Constructed on a former Brownfield site. The site features renewable energy,a bioswale, permeable concrete, and is energy efficient, bicycle friendly, and has interactive displays.\n","config":"{\"dataType\":null,\"address\":3,\"city\":\"-1\",\"state\":\"-1\",\"zip\":\"-1\",\"country\":\"-1\",\"lat\":1,\"lng\":2,\"title\":0,\"web\":\"-1\",\"image\":\"-1\",\"email\":\"-1\",\"group\":\"-1\",\"mapType\":\"basic\",\"pinLabel\":\"-1\",\"markerTitle\":true,\"regionCode\":\"\",\"regionCountry\":\"Auto-Detect\",\"showLabels\":true,\"moveSingleMarker\":false,\"emm_lat\":1,\"emm_lng\":2,\"emm_acc\":-1,\"center_lat\":41.67823,\"center_lng\":-86.25435395,\"zoom\":-1,\"customZoomAndCenter\":null,\"selectedMapType\":\"Street\",\"displayDataOnPage\":false,\"clustering\":false,\"showMoreOptions\":null,\"disAbleDynamicFilters\":null,\"exportData\":null,\"scrollWheel\":false,\"zoomInSearching\":true,\"zoomInLevel\":null,\"showMarkerNumbers\":null,\"multiSelectFilters\":null,\"showDirectionDescription\":null,\"columnHeaderArray\":[\"Name\",\"Latitude\",\"Longitude\",\"Address\",\"Description\"],\"headerDisplayOrderIdxs\":[0,3,4],\"groupHash\":{},\"sortedGroupKeys\":[],\"groupImageHash\":{},\"ImageDimensions\":{},\"filterListNames\":[],\"filterListArray\":[],\"filterListSortedKeyHash\":{},\"filterColumnIdxs\":[],\"filterCounts\":null,\"markerImageIdx\":[],\"useCustomImages\":false,\"CustomImages\":[],\"customImageSizes\":{},\"singleCustomImage\":null,\"singleCustomImageHeight\":null,\"singleCustomImageWidth\":null,\"customSearchText\":\"\",\"clusterColor\":\"red\",\"clusterHexColor\":\"FF776B\"}","userSettings":{"title":"South Bend Wildflower Tour ","description":"The South Bend Wildflower Driving Tour explores a variety of Native Wildflower Gardens throughout the city. Wildflower gardens on formerly vacant lots provide habitat for local wildlife such as birds and butterflies, reduce the need to mow and beautify neighborhoods. "},"temp":"","stats":"","mapid":"9e23dcd5fd33d82c422859a20f9cf89b"};