var editData = {"errorMessage":"","dataLines":"Bowman Creek\t41.659312\t-86.237616\t1543 Dale Avenue South Bend, IN 46601\tBowman Creek in an impaired creek that is currently the focus of the Bowman Creek Educational Ecosystem. \nBowman Creek Educational Ecosystem\t41.661196\t-86.239171\t1302 High St South Bend, IN 46601\tBCE2 is a student developed neighborhood improvement project. BCE2 acculturates environmental stewardship within the community while installing green infrastructure to reduce pollution and CSO events, beautifying and uniting the surrounding area. \nLangLab \t41.660748\t-86.237970\t1302 High St South Bend, IN 46601\tLanglab is a repurposed industrial building, a playground, a sandbox, an incubator space,a venue for concerts, forums, poetry readings, film screenings, art exhibitions, debates, book signings, theater works, workshops and community gatherings.\nNative Planting Rain Garden at 2116 S. St.Joseph St. \t41.651914\t-86.247719\t2116 S. St. Joseph St. South Bend, IN South Bend, IN 46613\tRain garden with native species installed by Bowman Creek Educational ecosystem Team to capture, filter storm water, utilize it as a resource and re-charge groundwater. \nNative Wildflower Garden on E. Indiana Ave and Fellows\t41.6580415\t-86.2446856\t463 E.Indiana Blvd South Bend, IN 46613\tThis formerly vacant lot was planted in native wildflowers to attract birds and butterflies, reduce staff time and fuel needed for mowing, and beautify the neighborhood.\nNative Wildflower Planting: Fellows and Bowman\t41.653509\t-86.244382\tFellows St and Bowman St South Bend, IN 46613\tThis formerly vacant lot was planted in native wildflowers to attract birds and butterflies, reduce staff time and fuel needed for mowing, and beautify the neighborhood.\nRavina Park Community Garden \t41.659216\t-86.237348\t1543 Dale Avenue South Bend, IN 46613\tRavina Community garden is one of over 40 unity gardens found throughout the city. Unity gardens are planted and maintained by volunteers and the food is available for harvest to local residents. \nRiley High School- Native Wildflower Garden\t41.654232\t-86.244851\t1902 Fellows St. South Bend, IN 46613\tNative wildflowers attract birds and butterflies, absorb run off, reduce staff time and fuel needed for mowing, and beautify the neighborhood.\nSouth Bend Farmer's Market \t41.6658481\t-86.2342181\t1105 Northside Blvd South Bend, IN 46615\tThe South Bend Farmer's Market has become one of the largest and most diverse indoor markets in the Midwest since 1924. Supports local and regional food systems which increases consumer access to fresh, healthy food in communities.\nSt. Matthew's Cathedral- St. Anthony the Great Community Garden \t41.6557035\t-86.2349448\t1811 Miami St South Bend, IN 46613\tThis community garden is ran by church volunteers. \nSt. Matthew's Cathedral- Rain Garden\t41.6557035\t-86.2349448\t1811 Miami St South Bend, IN 46613\tRain gardenwith native species installed by Bowman Creek Educational Ecosystem Team to capture, filter storm water, utilize it as a resource and re-charge groundwater. \nZen Caf\u201a Coffee Roasters\t41.661004\t-86.238313\t1302 High St South Bend, IN 46601\t\"Zen Caf\u00e9 Coffee Roasters is local owned and operated coffee company that only uses fair trade coffee beans. Currently located in \"\"the Annex\"\" Building at LangLab, they hope to open a caf\u00e9 to the public soon.\"\n","config":"{\"dataType\":null,\"address\":3,\"city\":\"-1\",\"state\":\"-1\",\"zip\":\"-1\",\"country\":\"-1\",\"lat\":1,\"lng\":2,\"title\":0,\"web\":\"-1\",\"image\":\"-1\",\"email\":\"-1\",\"group\":\"-1\",\"mapType\":\"basic\",\"pinLabel\":\"-1\",\"markerTitle\":true,\"regionCode\":\"\",\"regionCountry\":\"Auto-Detect\",\"showLabels\":true,\"moveSingleMarker\":true,\"emm_lat\":1,\"emm_lng\":2,\"emm_acc\":-1,\"center_lat\":41.65888105,\"center_lng\":-86.24096855000005,\"zoom\":-1,\"customZoomAndCenter\":null,\"selectedMapType\":\"Street\",\"displayDataOnPage\":false,\"clustering\":false,\"showMoreOptions\":null,\"disAbleDynamicFilters\":null,\"exportData\":null,\"scrollWheel\":false,\"zoomInSearching\":true,\"zoomInLevel\":null,\"showMarkerNumbers\":null,\"multiSelectFilters\":null,\"showDirectionDescription\":null,\"columnHeaderArray\":[\"Name\",\"Latitude\",\"Longitude\",\"Address\",\"Description\"],\"headerDisplayOrderIdxs\":[0,3,4],\"groupHash\":{},\"sortedGroupKeys\":[],\"groupImageHash\":{},\"ImageDimensions\":{},\"filterListNames\":[],\"filterListArray\":[],\"filterListSortedKeyHash\":{},\"filterColumnIdxs\":[],\"filterCounts\":null,\"markerImageIdx\":[],\"useCustomImages\":false,\"CustomImages\":[],\"customImageSizes\":{},\"singleCustomImage\":null,\"singleCustomImageHeight\":null,\"singleCustomImageWidth\":null,\"customSearchText\":\"\",\"clusterColor\":\"red\",\"clusterHexColor\":\"FF776B\"}","userSettings":{"title":"South Bend Southeast Side Green Bicycle Tour","description":"The Southeast Biking Tour features many aspects of Sustainability and Green infrastructure. The Southeast side is currently focus of many revitalization and rehabilitation efforts. Come tour the Southeast to visit rain gardens, native plantings, community gardens, local start-up businesses and Bowman Creek! "},"temp":"","stats":"","mapid":"5bc289c883dc78886f4f8d976ab1fac2"};